Friday, March 25, 2011

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

I rarely post anything on my site that requires people to send a comment or anything relating to a petition. But after watching Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution last season, I would love to see some changes to the school’s menus, as my children are not too far off from the school age.  If the current standards are kept, I will definitely have my children take their own lunches from home. I work very hard to provide them healthy food at home and would love to see them get that at school, when they go, too.

Here’s what was in the email I received, as I signed up for any new show info:
This is a hugely important moment in time for us. We’ve got a brilliant opportunity RIGHT NOW to get better food into schools all over America, but we really need your help. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has drafted a new set of school meal standards as part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. If these new standards are passed, schools will have to begin replacing junk and processed foods with lovely fresh, whole ingredients and it will be the first time in 15 years that nutrition standards in schools have really improved. If they aren’t passed, children all over America will be facing more years of substandard, unhealthy food in their schools. The USDA is taking public comments on these proposed standards as we speak, so please tell them you want these changes….. If you join us in supporting the new standards proposed by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, this is what it will mean for your kid’s meals:
• more whole FRESH fruits (no more fruit snacks);
• a wider variety of veggies;
• more healthy whole grains;
• French fries limited to once a week;
• and a reduction in the sodium, saturated fats and calories of processed food items.
We need your help to get the Food Revolution started in America – make sure the USDA hears what you have to say by submitting a comment at this link. Thank you for taking this important first step towards getting real food on school menus and giving our kids the promise of better health.
~Jamie Oliver and the Food Revolution Team

Just thought I’d share that info with you all in case you were interested in sharing your comments with the USDA, as well, at this link.

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